The Apple By Devashish Sardana

The Apple
Author : Devashish Sardana
Genre: Fantasy Thriller
The Protagonist along with his companion/lover , Michelle , are on a quest to find the Garden of Eden to get the apple of immorality.
The Senitels are the group of people who are born to protect the Garden of Eden.
The Story in the beginning gets very confusing as the story flips through the Protagonists dream and reality and it is hard to keep track.
The Quest leads to a clash between the Senitels and the humans . What will happen ?
The ending suggested that thier might be a sequel and I hope so.
Ratings :
1) Plot : 4.5/5
2) Character Development/Arc :4/5
3) Language /Writing Style :4/5
4)How much Did I enjoy reading the book: 4/5
Keetabi Keeda Rating: 4.125/5

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